Top 10 Arkells Songs
On June 23rd for an event dubbed "The Rally," thousands of people will gather together at Tim Horton's stadium to see the Arkells play in their home town of Hamilton. This Canadian band has seen a steady rise in their fame since they released their first album, Jackson Square, in 2008. This past year they entertained the Canadian athletes at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and expanded their touring range to the UK. Drawing from a wide array of influences both new and old, their music is both distinctive and diverse. A healthy dose of Ontario locations mixed into their songs shows how their hearts belong to Canada.
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sing knocking at the door GIF by Much - GIPHY |
In honour of their homecoming, I have compiled a list of my top 10 Arkells songs, from oldest to newest. It was extremely difficult for me to decide on only ten songs to feature. These are not the most popular songs per say, but the ones that have impacted me the most.
1. Heart of The City, Jackson Square
This song tells the story of two lovers who are going through a tough time in their relationship. As the conflict comes to a head on new years eve, the couple has to decide how they are going to move forward. The guitar mixed in with the angst of Max Kerman's voice illuminates the pain of the situation. This song is very real and raw in that it exposes just how tough this time that occurs at some point in every relationship at some point really is. One line, "is this a test to see, how much we can take?" demonstrates how hard and taxing the situation truly is for both parties.
2. The Choir, Jackson Square
The Arkells do happy songs well. They do angry songs well. But with songs like The Choir, they prove that they can do sad songs too. This song is dripping in the kind of unspeakable grief and confusion that comes with unjustified death, while also grappling with questions of spirituality. Once again, this kind of song is very relevant when it comes to the debate around the right to bear arms.
The Arkells do happy songs well. They do angry songs well. But with songs like The Choir, they prove that they can do sad songs too. This song is dripping in the kind of unspeakable grief and confusion that comes with unjustified death, while also grappling with questions of spirituality. Once again, this kind of song is very relevant when it comes to the debate around the right to bear arms.
3. Coffee, Michigan Left
The band has said this song is actually about questioning how some people justify using their religion for negativity and hate. Some fans believe it could also be about someone opening up about an abusive relationship. Personally, it makes me think about catching up with a friend over coffee and talking about both the bitter and the sweet in our lives. But more than that, it is the actual music in this song that I like best... and this music video featuring the band member's dads is pretty entertaining too (but skip to 1:25 for the start of the music).
4. Bookclub, Michigan Left
This feel good song tells the story of friendship. A perfect 'driving song,' Bookclub, features friends discussing music, books, and their futures as they drive along. Give it a listen, and see if it can't fill you with nostalgia and maybe even put a smile on your face. Also, this song receives bonus points for mentioning "Hamilton."
5. Come to Light, High Noon
This upbeat song never fails to get me pumped up to crush whatever it is I'm facing. The band wrote it with the intention of it becoming one of those Americana songs you crank up in the car. Inspired by Buck O'Neil, a baseball player who faced racism in the 20s, Max Kerman says this song serves as a reminder to "lean on your loved ones and always try to act with love and compassion, even in times of darkness." Cheers to that!
6. 11:11, High Noon
11:11 is a love song full of hope and longing. The lyrics paint a picture of the early stages of romance when everything is full of excitement and anticipation. Musically, it is just a lot of fun, a cool jam to dance around in your bedroom to.
7. A Little Rain (A Song for Pete), Morning Report
This song is like a big, happy, yellow umbrella. It's the ultimate pick-me-up song that reminds you not to let a little rain (whatever that might represent in your life) get you down. The jovial beat is your cheerleader as the lyrics remind you that you are not alone in your struggles. It reminds you that you can bounce back no matter how long the rain has been falling. My prescription? Play on repeat until you're feeling better.
8. My Heart's Always Yours, Morning Report
This mystically romantic, but at the same time extremely raw and real song was written about lead singer, Max Kerman's, girlfriend. Although the specifics may differ, the sentiment is one that many people can relate to in their own romantic relationships; from suddenly envisioning combined futures to giving unconditional support. I also super-like this music video for all its cuteness.
9. Knocking at the door, Morning Report (Deluxe)
With Max belting out the chorus, the punches of trumpets accentuating the beats, and the gospel sounding female voices; the Arkells took this song in a direction they had never really gone before. This dramatic people's anthem calls for its listeners to band together and "rise up" for what they believe in.
10. People's Champ, Single
Before becoming the lead singer of the Arkells, Max Kerman studied PoliSci at McMaster, a fact that really comes out in this politically fuelled piece that many fans were quick to pick up is a criticism of President Donald Trump. Yet, with the current political climate around the world, this could really be applied to many other incompetent, selfish, and/ or corrupt leaders, and is therefore extremely relevant. But don't let that send you into dismay, in an interview, Max Kerman said these uplifting words, "look around and you'll find people's champs all around ya." Similar in sound to Knocking at the door, with hints of the Motown music the band has been said to be fond of, this song was an instant hit with fans new and old.
Let me know what you think of my song selection below in the comments. Do you like these songs too or are there any others you would have chosen instead? Don't forget to like and share! And of course...I'll see you at The Rally!
Stay classy, never trashy, and just a little sassy!
- Kel
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